Discover the magic of Monica Ros campus!
The Monica Ros campus is truly magical and provides a place where children feel physically safe and emotionally secure. Our cozy classrooms and the spacious, shady, outdoor grounds offer a wide variety of play opportunities.
Our preschool classrooms are actually cozy cottages originally built in the early 1900s, each with their own private outdoor area for class projects, lunch, play and exploration. The preschool yard is distinct from the grade school play areas, and is fitted with equipment designed for little hands and bodies with big curiosity. Watch where you’re going when you visit, or you might get run over on the tricycle track — a favorite of our youngest students!
Every Monica Ros student counts down the days until he or she starts Kindergarten and gains access to the grade school playground. Complete with a full sized pirate ship, zip line, and climbing wall, our older students expand their interest in sports and imagination games in their stomping grounds. Modern build classrooms retain a homy sensibility while offering more tools for growing minds to explore and create, and teachers to expand students’ awareness.
With great, natural light streaming through its windows and large workspaces to draw, paint and sculpt, the art cottage is an ideal space to cultivate creativity. Whether students work on watercolor landscapes for Arts Month, acrylic poetry portraits for our annual Poetry Night, or mold mini clay bust sculptures which are fired in one of our two large ceramic kilns, our art cottage provides wonderful support for all of our students’ creative endeavors.
Built under our previous head of school, the library has become a favorite destination for Monica Ros students. Built to resemble a child-scaled study complete with fireplace, students snuggle into nooks and cozy corners designed with them in mind. Our full-time librarian is always there to recommend the next adventure to little readers.
With performance at the heart of the Monica Ros experience, parents get to know our two performance areas well! Our outdoor stage gets used year round for all school gatherings, and our Meyer Hall stage offers a more intimate indoor setting for class performances.
Thanks to a generous neighbor, Monica Ros has recently expanded its campus borders. Our community is currently in the process of master planning and exploring the possible uses and campus improvements for this new acre and a half.
Come Visit!
Nothing speaks more for our school than to see the campus full of happy students.
Parents and caregivers are invited to visit with their children or alone. Often during an initial campus visit a classroom will greatly appeal to a child, prompting their desire to stay and “play” for a moment, allowing adults to discuss greater details about the school.
Our staff is eager to meet you and proud to show you our magical school and programs.