Early Childhood Programs

We provide a preschool program with emphasis on hands-on learning opportunities designed to enhance development in all areas: moral, social-emotional, intellectual, artistic, and physical. Skilled, nurturing teachers support children in the development of their socialization skills and in their quest to learn about the world by establishing a relaxed, friendly routine to ease the separation process between child and parent/caregiver. During this impressionable time of discovery in their young lives, students are cherished and valued by their teachers and the staff of Monica Ros who help them experience successful interactions with their peers and other adults. We recognize each child as a unique individual engaged in the process of learning, and our dedicated staff seeks to fully support this individual growth.

Yellow Room


9:00 AM - 1:00 PM daily
2, 3 or 5 day programs available

7:30 AM - 5:00 PM before & aftercare available once child is BOTH three years old and potty independent

THE YELLOW ROOM - Where the learning adventure begins!

Did you know that 80% of the human brain is fully developed by age 3? The early childhood program at Monica Ros embraces this critical time of life by providing a dynamic educating program that sets the stage for future success. Embracing the youngest learners at Monica Ros, the toddler program focuses on fostering independence, meeting individual needs, and inspiring a passion for learning and the arts. Hallmarks of our program include: language acquisition, secure attachment, trust, respect, self-care skills, following routines, practicing pro-social behavior, confidence building, and partnering with families. Intentional instruction based on the children’s interests is rooted in play and best practices. The development of the whole child is promoted through a high-quality program that provides healthy challenges, genuine relationships, and learning through fun. Come explore with us!!

Green Room


8:45 AM - 1:15 PM daily
2, 3 or 5 day programs available
Potty independence required

7:30 AM - 5:00 PM before & after care available

The Green Room (our 3-year-old classroom) is housed in one of our campus’ original cottages. The classroom has its own play yard and sand box, outdoor seating, and classroom areas devoted to imaginative play, a writing center, small group activities, and a kitchen for special cooking projects. There are 14 students on any given day of the week with our two beloved teachers.

Green Room students experience specialized Spanish and Education Through Music classes, as well as participate in all Monica Ros School traditions such as assemblies, Theme Week, the Winter performance, Arts Month, Founder’s Day, and the Mad Hatter’s Tea. Plus, they have their own traditions like an annual Parents & Caregivers Tea, and growing their own little garden plot.

Blue Room


8:45 AM - 1:15 PM daily
5 day program available

7:30 AM - 5:00 PM before & after care available

The Blue Room is housed in one of campus’ original cottages and is connected to the Red Room, our other 4-year-old classroom. The classroom has a back patio that serves as its own play yard with a sandbox and outdoor seating. The cozy classroom has areas devoted to imaginative play, a writing center, small group activities, and a kitchen for special cooking projects.

There are 16 students on any given day of the week with our two beloved teachers. Blue Room students experience specialized Spanish and Education Through Music classes, as well as participate in all Monica Ros School traditions. Small group time lets children explore hands-on learning through math manipulatives, drawing experiences, number books, chalkboards, dry erase boards, and so much more. With projects like creating a Post Office and the dinosaur unit, life in the classroom is always exciting!

Red Room


8:45 AM - 1:15 PM daily
5 day program

7:30 AM - 5:00 PM before & after care available

The Red Room is for our 4-year-old students preparing for kindergarten. All Red Room students will move on to Kindergarten the next school year (turn 5-years-old prior to September 1).

The class is housed in one of our campus’ original cottages and is connected to the Blue Room, our other 4-year-old classroom. They enjoy a private covered front patio with outdoor seating for projects and lessons. The cozy classroom has areas devoted to imaginative play, a writing center, small group activities, and shares a kitchen with the Blue Room for special cooking projects.

There are 14 students with our two beloved teachers. Red Room students experience specialized Spanish and Education Through Music classes, as well as participate in all Monica Ros School traditions such as Theme Week, the Holiday Performance, Arts Month, Founder’s Day, an individual classroom performance, the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party, and more!

Blue or Red Room?
What’s right for my child?

We’re excited to partner with you to discuss where you child’s educational journey begins. Your preschool teachers will guide your child’s placement based on their knowledge and experience with your child throughout the year.

A child’s room placement depends on a number of factors including their age, social, and developmental needs. Some children attend Green, Blue and Red Rooms prior to Kindergarten. Others head straight from Green to Red, and others head right to Kindergarten from Blue Room.