First Grade
M-Th 8:45 AM - 2:45 PM
Fr 8:45 AM - 1:45 PM
7:30 AM - 5:00 PM before & after care available
In first grade, desks are first introduced to the students, and the amazing world of academia is greater explored.
In language arts, students develop a more sophisticated understanding of language to read more complex text. Skills are integrated and taught in multiple modes – visual, auditory, and kinesthetic – to reinforce language learning.
In math, emphasis is placed on problem solving in everyday situations, and frequent practice of basics skills. Topics are revisited regularly to ensure concept development and long term retention. First graders go on several math ‘excursions’ during the year. These ‘excursions’ are thematic, integrated units where math is used as a tool to pursue projects or conduct investigations. Problem solving is the main emphasis. Excursions may include “Are You Sure It’s Twenty?” (counting), Hats (patterns, geometry, measuring, money), Wild Things (writing and solving story problems), Famous Threesomes (exploring patterns, skip counting) and Counting Kisses (estimation, counting large numbers).
First graders study the rocky seashore and enjoy visiting the tide pools, creating 3-dimensional tide pool animals and playing sea shore charades. While learning about American heroes and symbols, first graders perform a play where each student plays the role of a famous American. These units engage students in meaningful ways and provide a deeper understanding of the subject.
1st Grade Play
Tide Pool Field Trip
Hosting Parent’s Tea
“My favorite part of first grade is seeing the absolute joy that our students experience when they accomplish and achieve. The Science Fair Animal Expert project is a wonderful moment in which our kids learn something and not only teach their friends but also their parents and teachers, too. The pride our students have in those moments is a truly beautiful and powerful thing to behold.”
- Jenn Hawkins, Assistant 2023

Second Grade
M-Th 8:45 AM - 2:45 PM
Fr 8:45 AM - 1:45 PM
7:30 AM - 5:00 PM before & after care available
Simple Machine Projects
Mystery Reader
Camp Fire Night
“It is so exciting to observe the tremendous emotional and social growth that occurs developmentally with each child in second grade. It is thrilling to witness each child continue to cultivate problem solving and critical thinking skills, further develop their self-esteem and social skills, and to simply have the skills, tools, and knowledge necessary to become responsible citizens.”
- Andrea Roe, Teacher 2022
At our second-grade level, we are committed to nurturing a love for learning and supporting each child in reaching their full potential. We prioritize a comprehensive educational curriculum encompassing language arts, mathematics, social studies, and science. Aligned with California's educational standards, our curriculum ensures that each child's learning potential is maximized by catering to multiple learning modalities. Our dynamic learning environment fosters creativity and curiosity, empowering students to flourish.
Within our language arts program, we integrate the SUPERKIDS Language Arts and Daily Five Reading programs, providing a seamless combination of reading, writing, spelling, and listening and speaking skills. Monthly "Book Celebrations" introduce children to diverse genres of literature, while poetry exploration enhances their writing capabilities.
In mathematics, our Everyday Math program offers versatile learning opportunities, covering concepts such as money, time, measurement, place value, fractions, graphing, geometry, and basic arithmetic operations.
In the realm of science, we engage students in hands-on learning experiences to investigate captivating topics like the ocean and aquatic environments, simple machines and inventions, earth science, and plant science.
Our social studies curriculum delves into various aspects, including individual heritage and culture, the Ojai community, global communities, United States symbols and monuments, and geography. Throughout the year, we also emphasize positive character traits, fostering an atmosphere of encouragement and modeling.

Third Grade
M-Th 8:45 AM - 2:45 PM
Fr 8:45 AM - 1:45 PM
7:30 AM - 5:00 PM before & after care available
American Heroes Wax Museum
Overnight Camp Out
BBQ Hosting
“My favorite part of teaching is seeing the excitement a child experiences when they’re fully immersed in learning, or when they’ve accomplished a big challenge. It’s fantastic to see the sense of wonder when they’ve lifted a femur bone from an owl pellet, or when they’re so involved in a discussion about their wax museum characters that they don’t even head out for recess. It’s also amazing to watch the third graders confidently take on their leading roles in the grade school play at the end of the year when acting was so scary just a few years before!”
- Emma White, Teacher 2023
Third Graders at Monica Ros have the unique opportunity to be the leaders at school and to explore the importance of being empathetic and patient role models for the younger students. They are the leaders of their mixed age group lineages each day, the leaders at the student council meetings, and Arts Month rotations, and they take on the lead performances in our grade school performance at the end of the school year. Stretching their leadership muscles in the safe and caring environment of Monica Ros prepares them to be confident and polite citizens as they move on to other schools. In addition, the third graders leave Monica Ros prepared to excel in fourth grade.
The Super Kids language arts program from second grade prepares the kids to make the momentous transition from “learning to read” to “reading to learn” in third grade. Third graders read from a variety of genres. They use reference materials to research and synthesize information from different sources when working on their state museum project, researching their wax museum characters, their science fair project, and writing research essays. They will also have many opportunities to write, share and discuss their creative stories in class with particular focus on descriptive language and voice.
Our Everyday Math program in third grade continues the study of time, measurement, graphing, geometry, estimation, fractions, multiplication and division, with an additional emphasis on tackling word problems, discussing different approaches to mathematical problems, and working collaboratively on open ended math problems. We will also track the highest and lowest temperatures in the United States throughout the year.
Tinkering in science is a big part of the science curriculum and key to maintaining that love of science that comes so naturally to children at this age. The children will practice their observational skills with each unit in science. Units covered in third grade include, but are not limited to; habitats and adaptation, the study of the sun and planets, energy, matter and light, simple anatomy and physiology of animals and humans, conservation, as well as scientific experimentation and investigation.
The third graders also become experts on the geography of the United States and learn about the three branches of government and the election process.